Sunday, November 9, 2014

Alive and Well...sort of

In case you have been wondering if I have been  to Maui watching gold and purple sunsets  and drinking frothy pina coladas with Jeff next to me lazing on recliner you are wrong. I can only wish that some day soon that is where we will be.

For those of you following along my bumpy detour, this segment is difficult  so thanks for hanging in.

My fourth chemo treatment which was two weeks ago coincided with the Giant's trouncing by Kansas City royals. I was trounced too, as I was hit extremely hard by this round. Unfortunately I landed up in the hospital for two day at the end of the week for some hydration but thankfully there was nothing else seriously wrong with me. I went to Summit Hospital in Oakland which has been completely re-done. Everyone gets a private room which is nice. The nurses were kind and competent.

I hope I never have to go back because the hospital is the worst place to rest and feel better. It is kind of a vicious circle. I have to be on an IV for fluids, then have to keep waking up to go to the bathroom and shlep my IV pole into the bathroom with me. Then an hour later my very sweet nurse, Caroline, with a Caribbean lilt to her voice apologetically wakes me up to take my vitals. Then I fall back asleep only to wake up to go to the bathroom again. You get the picture?

One of the worst parts of this round was that my appetite went kaput. I'm slowly getting back to eating. This is not my idea of losing weight believe me.The highlight of my hospital diet was a red popsicle.

This time I did not need blood though at first they put me on an antibiotic for a possible stomach thing which I ended up not having. I was glad to throw away those bitter and difficult to swallow pills.

I  came home on Tuesday very weak and have been trying to re-coup day by day. The other new complication was developing a whopper canker sore on my tongue which unfortunately is a rather typical side effect of chemo.

I have developed a whole litany of ways to alleviate the pain and rinse frequently with warm water and salt and baking soda, sometimes with hydrogen peroxide. I have tried honey, milk of magnesia, and have a special magic thick pink rinse prescribed by the oncologist's office which has some xylocane in it. I was on pain pills for a day which I hate because they mess up my stomach. I have been taking Advil regularly.

In short, you could say I was a mess. Jeff catered to any whim I thought might help including Odwalla Protein drinks which are not bad. We have had to turn down invitations to parties, dinners, baby showers.

My sister who is my steady cheerleader yesterday came armed with two shopping bags full of soft foods; chocolate pudding, sherbet ice cream. rice pudding and jello. I have been living on chicken soup, some I had made, some my sister brought.

This has been a difficult two weeks. It is unbelievable how painful these sores can be.Anyone who has suffered with them will know what I am talking about.

But today I am feeling better and the good news is that my oncologist postponed my next treatment for a week to give me a chance to get my strength back.

Thanks for friends who have brought food, who call to check on me, who send emails and cards. This support sustains me. My long time housekeeper Vilma told me she prayed for me. I was so touched I cried.

I am hoping the next four treatments won't be as rough. That is what I keep hearing. I will cling to that hope but won't believe it until I experience it myself.  My daughter Devora arrives early December for the first time without her kids. I look forward to having her TLC.

So things are looking up again; I will get through this. I will be on that beach in Maui someday soon.

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