Monday, November 24, 2014

Pancakes and Giving Thanks

My oncologist said the next four treatments would not be as rough as the first four. I am almost one week from the last treatment, and I would have to agree with him. Though I have had some hours of total wipe out when I don't want to get out of bed, I am gradually getting my strength and taking advantage of the moments when I feel good. Yesterday I woke up at 4:30AM thinking about pancakes.

That might not seem like a big deal but it is. It signifies I am getting my appetite back and what's more I told Jeff I wanted to go OUT for breakfast. He was so happy that I wanted to leave the house. Can I say again that my husband has been the ultimate trooper through all this ordeal. He encourages me, points out small victories and reminds me how much better I am relative to the last treatment.

We even get in a few laughs now and then. For example, if a side effect is listed and I get it then it is OK because it is something to be expected. This round one of the side effects has been muscle aches. When that started, my body felt like a pin ball machine. I kept getting strange pings in my joints from my ankles to my wrists that lasted a few seconds. But this was on the we didn't freak out. Thankfully a few Advil seems to help this one.I'm also no longer suffering from the canker sore that took more than two weeks to heal. That was difficult.

Yesterday besides having breakfast out, one oatmeal pancake with blueberry sauce at Lu and Lil's,we also walked at Lake Merritt for twenty minutes. It was a gorgeous, crisp fall day, and it was great to be outside. My oncology nurse tells me that walking is crucial for me and sometimes I drag myself out of bed and walk from my kitchen through the living room back and forth and up and down the stairs if I can't get out.

This is Thanksgiving week (and my birthday Wednesday) I always love this time of the year. I think one of the reasons is that for my mom, an immigrant from Hitler's Germany, Thanksgiving was the one holiday that our family totally embraced  as Jewish Americans. My mom decorated the table with little Pilgrim tchotchkes and prepared a sumptuous meal, everything from scratch.When we were young, visiting east coast cousins would join us, especially my cousin Uri who was studying at Cal Tech.

After Jeff and I met, we joined our two families and celebrated together. Our first Thanksgiving together I turned twenty We had just gotten engaged.. One of my favorite photos (though Jeff does not like it) is me with longish blonde hair and him with big black glasses wearing a pink shirt. We were so young, smiling broadly.Where have the years gone?

I love doing the holiday as well researching recipes, decorating with my box of Thanksgiving goodies and enjoying the holiday bustle just like my mom did. This year however I will be grateful just to show up and bring a few side dishes. My wonderful sister has taken over my usual job of preparing the meal but we are all contributing so she does not have to do it all.

I am so appreciative  for the steady stream of calls, cards, emails, goodies, and  support I continue to receive from all of you. I wish everyone a wonderful holiday. Treasure the good times.I realized the other day that this ordeal will make me stronger. I will be a different person and pray to be a better one with a renewed chance to do good.

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